"My Girl and I" movies review

hello..hello..!! ^^ Hey.. whatsup,guys?!! Haha.. Well..well.. first of all I reeally don't know why I quickly clicked on the "new tab" tab.. after finished watching this movie that I just watched.. What movie?? Well.. It's a korean movie..  But this movie really touched my heart...as it made me cried so badly as the atmosphere became more sorrow, the more tears fell through my cheeks.. The tittle of this beautiful movie is... "My Girl and I"  hehe.. Well... in this movie.. It tell us so much things about life and especially a bout first love. I mean.. how can a person be in love with the same person for more than 50 years and  had a family of his own... It makes me think that actually the strength of my depends on the individuality's heart. They still believe in destiny even if they were not meant together... I know.. I know.. It may sounded like.. whhaaaaa...tt? He's married and even have grandchildren but his heart belongs to someone else's?? that's so wroongg... But as for me.. there's a pro's and con's about that.. haha.. I mean If.. If.. my husband behaves like thaatt.. for god-sake, I will kick hiss ass.. u know what I mean.. ahhak  >.<  ... but (back to le movie) I respect him for not neglecting his family.. still carry his responsibility as a leader of the family and still be nice and loves his wife. But.. whoaa!!.. wait..wait.. but this story is ain't about this old man.. It's about his grandchild's first love and how he accepts the fate that she's dying. So. yeah!! I'm done here.. and here's a picture of this movie..

and.. here's the link if you might wanna watch it ^^

